View Profile LaserKarl

19 Movie Reviews w/ Response

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Danmed cane-man.

This is golden. I would never thought of animating those thoughts that actually stops you from falling asleep. Even though you're tierd, you like start to dream while still awake, and for some reason you think you can't sleep until the ladybug in the cage standing on the doorknob has flewn, or the cane-man goes away.

Your dialouge catches that greatly, and the animation fits, even though its not the most advanced style, with that dialouge very nicely.

Good job. I hope you're still animating, or at least plan on picking it up again.

allemansing responds:

I remember you. I remember admiring your stuff quite alot, and once asking you to review my Ryan & Cloud flash. I looked at your Lyckans Undulat WIP, and it was pretty damn awesome, even though i didnt understand a thing what it was all about.
Thanks alot for your compliments, glad you understood it (contrary to the guy before you). I was really unsure before, during and after making this flash whether it was actually a good idea, and whether it would actually work. Even when it was done and I submitted it i wasnt sure whether it was my best work or just something abit strange. After seeing that i managed to communicate the feeling of these situations (something i hardly manage to do even when just talking to someone) i decided it was probably my best flash.
Strangely, after this one i did a very mediocre and lazy one about a potato (George), started up a quite ambitious project, got tired of it halfway through and then i stopped animating. Its probably cause I moved to france for a year and decided that i didnt want to spend time here animating stuff, but profit from the experience.
Right now, im going home to sweden in a couple of weeks. I have some tiny ideas i might turn into little flashes, and i might just finish off my ambitious project, because i hate the idea of having worked so much for absolutely nothing, but i think my most amibitious days of animating flash movies are over. It takes too much time and i dont really feel talented enough for animating to motivate all that work.
Im however happy that i've learnt how to use the program and developed my skills, and im proud of some of the stuff ive done, so i hope ill get some real use of it some day.

Wow. That was a very long response.

Lycka till med ditt eget animerande! :)
/Jonas Modin


I cant understand either the techinque you used to do this movie, nor the time you must have put down to it. I really love it! Amazing.
I dont know what to say, simply breathtaking!

Five-Iron responds:

I really can't remember how long I worked on it. All I know is that it is done.

Lite synd

Att se en svensk skicka in nåt sånthär. När man ser att du kan mycket bättre. Gillade den mjuka fbf'en. Släng på lite enkla färger eller nåt, och dra den lite längre, lägg till ett bord med en blomma på i bakgrunden och den skulle genast bli en ganska stor aning bättre.

Heja sverige

Slipziq responds:

jodå jag kan göra bättre, tror jag =P men jag orkar inte lägga ner så lång tid på att animera, satt typ 3-4h med den här 'filmen' hade en massa idéer men orkar som sagt inte rita =P


The clocks have allready been around for ages, and will probalby stay around for a hell of a lot of ages more... I to hate them

The-master-tommy responds:

nah.. they will be forgotten sooner or later dude ^^


Hahahaha, im swedish. HAHAHA that was just so.... like... HAHAHAHA

BobblinTops responds:



Good animation. It was to slow at som times though. But nice character designs and sounds were fitting. Hejja sverige! (4/5)

GrimEntertainment responds:

Tackar för det och du har nog rätt att det blev lite långsamt men jag tar med mig kritiken till del två! Kan även säga att jag gillar dina egna verk, speciellt "Relax".

Looks good

Sounds awful. Dude, you need subtitles or better voiceacting. I really wanted to see this becouse of the nice graphics, but i coulndt make out a word they said. To bad for you. Voted 4 though! keep improving!

No-Need-for-Bushido responds:

Subtitles added, future editions to have better audio. Thanks!


You have such a unice (?) way of maiking flash-movies, I envy you. I put this movie among my favourites, becouse it has a message that moved me. Right after i saw it i got the song, and its allready one of my favourite songs. It's a shame that newgrounds mostly hsa kids in the ages 12-14, they dont really get this kind of art. I'll be looking forward to more of your movies.

AloneInTheDark responds:

thanks mate. did you mean unique? Have a little more patience, my next flash will come out soon. And have a little more faith in the NG community! Yeah there are some jackasses here, but some really cool people also. Take care!

You smell. Stop it.

Karl Haggner @LaserKarl

Age 36, Male



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