Theres one reason for why I didn't do a robot day-entry for this year.
Last year I lost to some fanboy that did a full out newgrounds-related image with no imagination besides newgrounds-related stuff, that won over mine. I dont want to sound like an asshole, but if thats what the jury wants, I, no matter what the juury consist of, want no part of it. Fuck pop-culture, long live artistic talent. I havent even followed this years competition.
Fuck mindlessness.
pfft yeah i know that feeling, my golden spiral flame decorated porcelain trim laced chinese puzzle box lost out to a bland fugly green couch and lame white room with darklight shading WITH NO TEXTURES.
i got honorable mention out of pitty but they said only IN CLASS students could place 1st 2nd or 3rd in the competition. i was the only one who wasn't in the 3D class to participate...
Moral of the story? College competitions are always rigged shit fests.
i feel for yeh bro.